Monday, January 16, 2012

Day Forty-Seven: Who’s Keeping Track?

            This morning I was a little frustrated with myself.  I changed my alarm so that I was able to sleep in for an extra hour this morning.  That of course means that I miss out on doing most of my morning stuff and I had this sneaking suspicion that self-sabotage was involved.  I could hear my ego complaining in the background, “no one is keeping track, what does it matter if you miss a day of pages or don’t meet your word count.  It’s not like you are being rewarded for doing these things.”  My ego might be right, I’m not getting rewarded, no one besides me is going to pat me on the back for waking up an hour early every morning to follow through with my spiritual practices.  What I get out of that hour in the morning is completely up to me.  I can choose to get up and inch my way towards a fuller more spiritually balanced life or I can sleep in.  That hour gives me the spiritual food that I crave and keeps me centered, focused on the positive.  So it’s true, no one is keeping track of my spiritual progress, just like there is no one keeping track of my writing progress.  I do these things for me, for my growth and development as a human and as a spiritual being.  I don’t do them to get a gold star on the scoreboard of the Universe, I do them because I love to do them and because there is a get urgency within me to do them.  Some mornings the bed will win, that’s just a part of being human.  It’s wonderful to know that I can still come back to those things that are important to me and begin again tomorrow, or even later today.

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