Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Criminal Report

            A flurry of both steamed and fried rice lay scattered at the scene.  Eyewitnesses reported seeing a double order of Crab Rangoon’s on scene at the time of the incident; however, authorities were only able to recover four of twelve.  Remnants of the other eight were tossed across the countertops and crunchy end pieces lacking any filling had been hastily dumped in the trash can.   The two perpetrators had clearly been in a hurry to get away.  A phone suffered minor injuries from an order of orange chicken, but once tended to the injuries appeared to be superficial, a result of scooping too much sauce at one time.  A neighbor reported seeing rice flying through the air.  A truffle chocolate cake witnessed the attacks, but was unable to assist.  It appeared that one piece of fried rice attempted escape up one of the perpetrators sleeves, but was caught and flung aside, in a chilling act of cruelty.  It was also suggested that two egg rolls may have been on scene, though there was no physical evidence to support that theory.

Couple O' Quotes

Personal:  "I would like to transition, not die."

From a friend:  "I believe he's been stagnitized."

Stagnitized- to be in a state of stagnation caused by just about any damn thing.  No this is not a real word, I checked. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

While I’ve Got a Minute

This week is probably going to be a busy one, at least I hope so for the shop I work at.  So I thought while I had a second I would throw out some thoughts that I have been having.  A friend recently asked if anyone was having old issues come up, issues that we supposedly already worked through.  I know for myself, this has been the theme of the New Year.  Thoughts and emotions that I thought I had dealt with long ago are popping up.  I have noticed that mine are all over the board, from old relationships to personal epiphanies that I could swear I had years ago.  It started with my feelings about writing on my blogs, then it progressed it something far more personal.  I woke up at 2 am about a week ago.  Now that is not really unusual, but what struck me was that I was thinking about my father.  A touchy subject that I thought I had finally put to rest about six months ago.  Not so much.  At first I wasn’t sure why I was thinking about my father, but I decided to just do that go with the flow thing.  So I started talking to him, soul to soul.   I told him how much I had needed him as a child and how much his rejection of me had hurt me.  Amazingly, and for the first time ever, I felt like I could hear him and what he was saying knocked my socks off.  He said he was sorry for all the pain that he caused me, he was sorry that he had not loved me for me, and that he regretted how much of that love that he missed.  I wondered if these were the musings of a hopeful inner child, but they were so deep and sincere that I had a difficult time questioning what I was hearing.  After a few more minutes of talking, I said I love you daddy, out loud.  I just felt like I needed to say it.  It felt like my heart was going to rip out of my chest with the surge of love that I felt for my father.  Nothing in the past mattered, there was only love.  The whole thing shocked me so much that when I woke up the next morning, I half expected to get a phone call saying me father had passed, he didn’t of course, but that’s how powerful the experience was for me.
            I have had several other experiences since then, two of them with family members, and then this morning I found myself questioning my self-worth.  I didn’t realize at first what I was doing; I was just running a story through my head to write down later.  It was something about the story itself that made me stop and take a closer look at the thoughts behind the story.  I realized that for whatever reason this morning, I decided I wasn’t worthy, of pretty much anything.  I took some time to adjust my thinking.  Honestly, I think these things are rising up out of me so that I can take one final look and then release, for good this time.  It’s as though this things were still hidden in my mind, but as each one is drawn to the surface I am able to make peace with the situation or person.  I have felt like I have let go of things before, but never with the finality I have felt with these situations.  It’s like there is a system purge going on, and those thoughts that are not in alignment with who I am now, can no longer be sustained in any form, on any level, whether conscious or subconscious.  The situation is somewhat uncomfortable, as a lot of stuff has been brought to the surface.  Thankfully, these things appear to be taking turns, and I am dealing with one with at a time.  As I feel into each situation, I allow myself total acceptance.  As I work through each thing I feel clearer, more in tune.  I’m not sure what the end result of this work will be, but I am willing to see the process through.   


Well as promised here is the intro once again.  I had posted this but decided I wasn't comfortable for some reason, so I removed it.  Four wonderful friends convinced me to repost it, so here we go.

This book is a collaboration of spirit.  This is not a new concept, but it is one that we would like to clearly define.  The messages contained within are not from a single mind, single thought process, or even one single person, but instead is the composition of the Universe.  It is universal intelligence.  This book comes to you and through you.  You the reader were an integral part in the creative birthing of this book.  Your energetic call, your vibrational pull, called this book forth into existence.  And now let us continue, for we have much work to do.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm Having a Poetry Moment

Poetry is something I like to dabble with.  In my personal opinion you can write just about anything, in any form, and call it poetry.  Ah, well.  Have fun!


I Love You     times infinity
I Love You     without end
I Love You     no matter what you do
I Love You     no matter where you've been


A Free bird in a little cage
Wearing chains around it's little foot
A Free bird in a little cage
Flying through open skies.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Recycled Art

        I was at Goodwill the other day flipping through the pictures.  There were several works that were not prints, but actual artwork.  I was saddened to see these creations shoved in a discount bin.  I’m all for giving to Goodwill, but there was something about the artwork being there that bothered me, so what do I do?  I take it home.  A couple of weeks later I was in another thrift store, thrift stores are my favorite, and I found myself once again flipping through artwork, and once again taking the pieces home.  I had no idea what in the world I was going to do with the artwork I was buying; I just knew that I didn’t want them to sit in those bins.  The other day I got an idea.  Now mind you, I have no idea what if any legal issues there would be with selling these original works of art.  I guess since I bought them from thrift stores I would guess that there isn’t any, but you never know.  Anyway, back to the idea.  I thought what if these pieces, which I believe were once loved creations, were given a second chance.  Almost like the misfit toys in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.  I thought, wouldn’t it be wonderful to display and sell these pieces, give them another chance, and then a portion of the proceeds would go to children’s art classes.  In a way, it’s going full circle.  You give to wonderful organizations like Goodwill, and then you give the piece a second home to be displayed and loved as they were originally intended to be, and then they create the resources to create future artists.  I really loved the idea.  No idea how in the world I would implement it, but I really love it.  In fact I loved it so much I thought to share it with all of you

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

If I Created It...

If I made my own honey, the brand name would be "Bee Spit" 
My slogan would be "From their mouths to yours!"

If I made my own feminine product line, for you guys out there that might not know what feminine products means it means tampons and pads, I would call it Ragtime.  My version of Midol would be called Bitch Be Gone and the extra strength version would simply be called, Bitch Out!


      I'm so excited about life that I have trouble sleeping at night.  I toss and turn, buzzing with energy, and creating worlds.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Concept of Abundance

            When I was a little girl, I always knew that I would be rich.  I would design houses, each one with a multitude of rooms, but there was one feature in the house that always remained the same, and that was the entry way.  When you first walked into one of my houses you would see a huge arching staircase and in front of that staircase was a waterfall.  I don’t know why I wanted a waterfall in my houses, but I did, and it was always there. 
            For each room in the house, I would flip through Sears or JcPenny catalogs and create the look for the room.  I usually had one wild room with paw print sheets and cheetah pictures above the bed.  I usually put something unique in each room, depending on the theme.  For instance, a Sherlock Holmes room, yes I’ve loved Holmes since I was a child, would have a hidden doorway or secret passage way that the occupant must discover.  The rooms were always large and beautiful and I imagined the joy that people would have coming and staying in my houses, and the fun we would have.  I even loved picking out the pots and pans.  It was such a full and beautiful experience creating those homes.
            My idea of money when I was a child was this: If I take a dollar out of the bank and spend it, another dollar will appear in its place.   The concept of running out of money made no sense to me.  Neither did paying for a coin bank.  My parents were big on save money, but I didn’t understand why I had to buy that pink pig just to put money in it.  I also didn’t understand why the pig didn’t come already filled with money.  I thought that if the stores would just give those pigs away, then people would want to put their pennies in them.
            Speaking of pennies, as a child I was a great money finder.  I could find money anywhere.  If I went to the store with my mother I always came back with money in my pocket.  I remember my mother saying dozens of times, “you always find money.”  It’s because I expected it to be there, I expected to find money.  Not always coins either.  I was great at finding bills and even the occasional check.  When I was twenty, I found a check for over 1800 dollars lying on the ground.  I turned it into the bank, hoping the owner would come back and get it. 
            When my parents tried to explain to me about money, I didn’t understand.  They said that money was hard to come by and that you had to work hard to get it.  I didn’t understand then, but at some point later in life I bought into that concept.  I forgot how to find pennies and started finding bills.  I put my pretty house with its waterfall, staircase, and clever rooms away.  I still thought I was going to be rich; I just needed to be more practical about it.  Well after working two jobs 60-70 hours a week for nearly three years, filing bankruptcy, and being so broke I was eating the day old bakery rolls from the gas station I worked at because I couldn’t afford food, I realized that something in my idea about money had gotten misconstrued.  I was obviously way off base from my center, I just couldn’t remember where or what that center was.  I didn’t remember the houses or the rooms I created when I was a little girl. 
            Now I do.  I remember my belief that if I take a dollar and spend it another will appear, and you know what, it does.  Checks appear in my mailbox, and I am creating my houses again, complete with waterfall.  Money is not hard to acquire.  It is a tool.  Share it with others and watch it multiply.  Give to yourself.  Just don’t let money become a controlling factor in your life.  Build your house, build your dreams into reality by understanding that we live in an abundant, limitless universe.  We are all rich, in every way.

Saturday, January 8, 2011