Friday, December 30, 2011

Day Twenty-Nine: Drops of the Divine

      Last night my friends (because they are ultra awesome), hit on a subject that I planned on writing about this morning.  I had been mediating yesterday morning and it was up and down.  I’d get a couple deep still breaths in there and then my mind would take over and start thinking about all the things I had to do at work, or what chores still needed to be done, or anything besides stillness.  Finally, I sighed and opened my eyes.  How can God get in, I wondered, with all that noise?  I believe that God/the Universe/Goddess gets through to us even if it’s a tiny one drop at a time trickle.  We are so busy filling up the cup of our minds that we don’t leave room for the divine to add anything.  I feel like my faucet is barely squeezing out that drop, that I’m only allowing enough space for that single drop, on good days I might get two in there.  I blast my music, spend hours on the computer, watch television and movies even though I’ve probably already seen them, anything to keep myself occupied and away from the stillness.  I feel afraid of the stillness, of the power within the stillness, the power within me.  I can sense the greatness in myself and it’s overwhelming, I want to tone it down hence all the outside stimuli.  When I am able to get to the quiet space I can feel just how intense and powerful I am, and not just me, but all of us, every human being on this planet.  We are so magnificent. 

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