Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day Nine: Finding Silence

            Yesterday, I had an interesting experience that I thought I would share with you.  The gutter on the house we rent had partially fallen off and we just recently were able to get the landlord to repair it.  Unfortunately rain water had already rotted out the wood around our backdoor and the base plate for the door popped off, so we were unable to use the door.  The landlord sent the repairman out and he took a look and decided that the whole door needed to be replaced.  Okay, no problem.  Yesterday my husband calls me to let me know that the repairman should be coming in about twenty minutes.  I was still in bed so I got myself up.  Luckily, I did get up right away because literally two minutes later there was a knock on the door. 
            Normally, this would have thrown my whole day out of whack.  Just a few minutes after waking I have two repair guys in my house, tearing off trim and unscrewing hinges.  Hammers and drills right away in the morning is not the way I would choose to wake up.  I like to take my time, going into my meditation room and doing what I call my morning stuff.  I wish I had a better word for it than stuff but it’s a compilation of well, stuff.  I do affirmations, I write three pages in my journal, Reiki principles and then a morning meditation.  This is my sacred time.  I light incense and a candle and close the door to give myself this hour of personal time before starting my day.  Now that plan is being torn apart by these guys thundering around my house.  Or was it?  My husband made it home about fifteen minutes later and I felt this strong pull to go do my morning stuff despite all the noise.  So I told him where I was headed and went to my room.  
            I expected that I would be distracted but I wasn’t.  I worked my way slowly and carefully through my morning process and I didn’t feel disturbed at all.  I felt like I was in my own little bubble of silence, something that I had been building on each day that I took time for myself.  Instead of my morning being screwed up, I had a wonderful experience and I realized that no matter what was going on, on the outside, I can always find the silence on the inside.  It just takes a little practice.

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