Saturday, January 15, 2011

Recycled Art

        I was at Goodwill the other day flipping through the pictures.  There were several works that were not prints, but actual artwork.  I was saddened to see these creations shoved in a discount bin.  I’m all for giving to Goodwill, but there was something about the artwork being there that bothered me, so what do I do?  I take it home.  A couple of weeks later I was in another thrift store, thrift stores are my favorite, and I found myself once again flipping through artwork, and once again taking the pieces home.  I had no idea what in the world I was going to do with the artwork I was buying; I just knew that I didn’t want them to sit in those bins.  The other day I got an idea.  Now mind you, I have no idea what if any legal issues there would be with selling these original works of art.  I guess since I bought them from thrift stores I would guess that there isn’t any, but you never know.  Anyway, back to the idea.  I thought what if these pieces, which I believe were once loved creations, were given a second chance.  Almost like the misfit toys in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.  I thought, wouldn’t it be wonderful to display and sell these pieces, give them another chance, and then a portion of the proceeds would go to children’s art classes.  In a way, it’s going full circle.  You give to wonderful organizations like Goodwill, and then you give the piece a second home to be displayed and loved as they were originally intended to be, and then they create the resources to create future artists.  I really loved the idea.  No idea how in the world I would implement it, but I really love it.  In fact I loved it so much I thought to share it with all of you

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