Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day Twelve: Declaration and Co-Creation

            My personal beliefs are that we are co-creators of the world around us.  With that in mind I found myself seriously frustrated during the last two to three months.  My life felt stuck.  Every time I asked for something I felt like I wasn’t getting it or worse I was getting the opposite.  I thought, I’m doing my spiritual practices every day why am I not getting any results, why am I still so stuck?  When I took the time to look at what I was asking for, I realized that I had nothing specific in mind.  I was just saying show me the way or tell me what to do.  I don’t think it’s a bad thing to ask for divine guidance or to allow ourselves to be moved in a certain direction that’s definitely part of the co-creation process.  Sometimes we lead and other times we are led.  The same day that I was looking at my situation I decided that I needed to make declarations.  I needed to be specific in what I was asking for or at least be more specific. I wrote down four declarations in my journal.  The first was to get a job.  I said I wanted a job where I could learn and grow, good pay, nice people and safe.  My second declaration was that I wanted to get into a more serious practice with my writing.  I wanted to be doing it every day.  I knew once I was finished with school it would be easy to put my writing on the back burner, so I wanted to develop a good writing habit before the semester ended.  
            Less than a week later my first declaration of a job came through.  Around that same time I started working on this writing experiment.  Declaring something to the Universe doesn’t mean that your job is done, you still have action that you need to take.  You can’t just wish for a job and then sit on the couch all day.  For my part in getting the job, I declared that I would like a job and things that I would like to accompany that job.  I also talked to my friends about my declaration and the last thing that I had to do to complete the process was complete a resume.  I honestly feel the hardest part was remembering to ask for what I wanted.  I think it’s important that we keep in touch with God/Goddess/the Universe (or whatever name works for you) on a daily basis.  We need to declare what we would like to create today and ask for assistance in co-creating whatever that is in our lives.  I think when you begin to make this a daily practice you’ll be shocked at how quickly things begin to appear in your life. 

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