Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day Forty: Round Two

            It’s an amazing feeling to get this far with this blog.  Forty days far exceeds what I had hoped to do.  I worried that once I was finished with my thirty days that it would be more difficult to keep up with the blog, that I would lose my enthusiasm.  True to that thinking there have been a couple of days that I logged in some late (and that one night very late) writing time.  As important as writing is to me, I am still having trouble making it to the chair.  Why is something so important so hard to accomplish?  I try to be gentle with myself, but it’s clear that I need a solid motivation to keep me going.  While it’s true the only person really keeping me on track is me, stepping out on the web and making a commitment is like making a promise to the Universe.  I managed to keep my first promise, the first thirty days, but I didn’t and don’t want it to end there.  Saying that I will keep writing is a good step in the right (or write) direction, but I know I need something more solid, something that will prompt me to keep going, something like a promise.  So here it is, I’m going to blog for the next thirty days, including today.  If I miss a day I get to start all sixty over.  We’ll call the nine days in between day thirty and today practice, which I need.  Commitment is also something that I need a commitment to myself and a commitment to my readers.  So there you go, you get thirty more days of blogging happiness (or at least lessons and other fun/not so fun experiences that help lead to a more balanced and happy life).  I’d like to take a moment to thank my readers.  Thank you and here’s to another thirty days.

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